Install OpenAndroMaps on OruxMaps via PC

I tried to install maps from OpenAndroMaps on OruxMaps on my SmartPhone (Samsung Galaxy S7). At first I tried the recommended way on the website of OpenAndroMaps and used the direct download and installation via my smart phone. I selected the “Install on Oruxmaps” option and the download started but it seemed that my phone could not unzip the downloaded archive within one day (8 hours).

So I downloaded the map-file (zip) to my pc and unpacked it there which results in a file called which is approximately 2.7GB big. I copied the map-file to my phone connected to my pc via usb. I copied the file to /storage/9C33-6BBD/Android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps/mapfiles. This folder can be found in the OruxMaps App under “Settings -> Maps -> Folder for Maps” [1]. I changed the path for the map-files formerly to my SD-card because the default setting uses the internal memory of the phone. When the map file is copied completely to the phone open OruxMaps, tap on the map icon, choose load map[1] and then choose the ‘OFFLINE’ tab. If the map you copied does not appear tap on the refresh button (at the red menu line).

When you choose the map it loads without problems:

[1] I’m not sure if the names of the menu entries are correct because my OruxMaps installation uses German language.


Remark: Before you can install and view the maps from OpenAndroMaps you have to install a render theme for the maps so that OruxMaps knows how to display the map data correctly. I installed the following map theme via the website directly on my phone: I opened the link with the chrome browser on my phone and used the quick install option for orux maps which is recommended on the website.


Raised flower bed – 2017-03-05

This week we removed the most of our strawberry plants because the plants we bought two years ago (formerly on the upper left corner) suffered from a mushroom which was quite nasty. So we kept only some of the branches from the bought plats in the bottom left corner. I’m curious if this strawberry plats will bear fruits this year.


Raised flower bed - 2017-03-05

Raised flower bed – 2017-03-05


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