
Install OpenAndroMaps on OruxMaps via PC

I tried to install maps from OpenAndroMaps on OruxMaps on my SmartPhone (Samsung Galaxy S7). At first I tried the recommended way on the website of OpenAndroMaps and used the direct download and installation via my smart phone. I selected the “Install on Oruxmaps” option and the download started but it seemed that my phone could not unzip the downloaded archive within one day (8 hours). So I downloaded the map-file (zip) to my pc and unpacked it there which results in a file called which is approximately 2.7GB big. I copied the map-file to my phone connected to my pc via […]

Create a gps track, follow it with your phone and track your way 1

Last weekend we made a small bike tour with our eBikes. To prepare the planned route I created it online an loaded it to my smartphone. I don’t use my smartphone to navigate but I like it to use it like a map with the route painted on it. In this post I describe my solution to create a track and follow it with my phone. I recommend to read the documentation especially of GPSies and OruxMaps maybe you can find a better way than I. But currently I like the way it worked, especially the part with the QR code on GPSies which […]