
Create a gps track, follow it with your phone and track your way 1

Last weekend we made a small bike tour with our eBikes. To prepare the planned route I created it online an loaded it to my smartphone. I don’t use my smartphone to navigate but I like it to use it like a map with the route painted on it. In this post I describe my solution to create a track and follow it with my phone. I recommend to read the documentation especially of GPSies and OruxMaps maybe you can find a better way than I. But currently I like the way it worked, especially the part with the QR code on GPSies which […]

Raised flower bed – 2017-01-22

Raised flower bed – 2017-01-22

Blog changes I changed the theme of this blog this week from Twenty Fifteen Theme by wordpress.org to the free Customizr Theme. When I started to search a new theme on the wordpress.org site it was overwhelming how much cool templates you can find there. My first thought was to look for a template which fits good to my ideas and adapt it a little bit.  But I realized soon that a new template is more than the installation and the assignment of some widgets. After I tried some templates I searched for a template which is highly customizable. My google searches directed my […]

Das Hochhaus von Katharina Greve – durcheinander

Unter http://www.das-hochhaus.de von Katharina Greve entsteht gerade ein Hochhaus auf das, bis zum 5.9.2017, jede Woche Dienstags eine neue Etage hinzugefügt wird. Hier ein kleiner JavaScript Schnipsel zum einfügen in FireBug um die Etagen durcheinanderzubringen. (Wahrscheinlich geht das auch unter Chrome oder dem Microsoft IE mit deren Entwicklerwerkzeugen – das habe ich aber nicht getestet). Das jQuery-Plugin habe ich von http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1533910/randomize-a-sequence-of-div-elements-with-jquery und leicht angepasst. Die Anpassungen waren noetig, damit die Etagen korrekt geschichtet werden (setzen von CSS-Eigenschaft ‘z-index’) und damit das Erdgeschoß und der Keller immer unten sind (sieht sonst sehr komisch aus wenn der Rasen irgendwo zwischen drin ist). Vorraussetzung dafür, dass […]

Unwanted HTTP-requests in Firefox

Problem Today when I opened my Firebug panel to inspect a HTTP-request to localhost I found that there was just one request to localhost but also many other requests. Another indicator of this behavior were the longer loading times of normally fast intranet and localhost sites. I tried it on my other website where only a html-page, a style-sheet and one picture is delivered. Today the request block in the network pane of firebug looked like this: Approach After some googling I found the advice to disable plugin by plugin to find out which plugin is responsible for these requests. Solution In my […]