
Raised flower bed - 2017-02-07

How to deal with empty or missing fields in messages

In the following post I want to discuss how to deal with empty or missing fields in messages from the perspective of the receiver. I will try to explain the problem with the following scenario. Scenario There is a ‘sending system’ which sends data in messages to a ‘receiving system’. In my example the sending system sends demographic data of persons to the receiving system. The sending system may be a patient registration system in a hospital and the receiving system a statistics tool. How the messages are sent is not relevant in this scenario but we can assume that the messages are […]

Raised flower bed - 2017-01-29

CSV alternatives (JSON, XML, BSON) – Raised flower bed 1

Comma-separated values (CSV) I am working at the IT-Department of Universitätsklinikum Erlangen (University Hospital Erlangen) and this week I created a CSV file for a other project. The aim of this project is to migrate clinical findings into a new system. The clinical findings in the old system don’t have identifiers like a patient-id or a case number but some demographic data (name, surname, birthdate, zip code, …). The project manager and his developer who are responsible for the migration contacted me and asked for demographic data of our patients to implement a heuristic to assign the clinical findings to the correct patients. […]

Das Hochhaus von Katharina Greve – durcheinander

Unter von Katharina Greve entsteht gerade ein Hochhaus auf das, bis zum 5.9.2017, jede Woche Dienstags eine neue Etage hinzugefügt wird. Hier ein kleiner JavaScript Schnipsel zum einfügen in FireBug um die Etagen durcheinanderzubringen. (Wahrscheinlich geht das auch unter Chrome oder dem Microsoft IE mit deren Entwicklerwerkzeugen – das habe ich aber nicht getestet). Das jQuery-Plugin habe ich von und leicht angepasst. Die Anpassungen waren noetig, damit die Etagen korrekt geschichtet werden (setzen von CSS-Eigenschaft ‘z-index’) und damit das Erdgeschoß und der Keller immer unten sind (sieht sonst sehr komisch aus wenn der Rasen irgendwo zwischen drin ist). Vorraussetzung dafür, dass […]

Use MS SQL with pyodbc on debian

I am using pyodbc in a python script under linux (debian 8) to connect to a MS-SQL Database. Here is my configuration for the database access. I can’t remember exactly which packages from the packagemanger I’ve installed 🙁 but maybe I have choosen the following: freetds-bin, freetds-common, freetds-dev, odbcinst Configuration /etc/odbc.ini [mcc] Driver = FreeTDS Description = ODBC connection via FreeTDS Trace = No Servername = mcc Port = 1433 Database = mcc Charset = UTF-8 /etc/odbcinst.ini [FreeTDS] Description = TDS driver (Sybase/MS SQL) Driver = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/ Setup = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/ CPTimeout = CPReuse = FileUsage = 1 /etc/freetds/freetds.conf [mcc] host = port = 1433 tds […]